Monday, January 15, 2024


My Nephew died a few years ago. He was not yet 50 years old. 

I did not know how ill he was. He had promised his mother who was bed-ridden that he would not die before her and he intended to honor his word.

He was her only child and they adored each other. He held on longer than he should have been able.

My Sister who was his mother was in a nursing home. She had a stroke several years before and could not get out of bed. She told me she has made him promise not to die before her.

We were unable to tell her that her only child had died for several days because Covid limited visitors to her. She was devastated. 

My sister died a couple of years ago. They are together now.

One thing that gives me comfort is that the last thing I said to either of them is that I love them. Now I drive everyone I care about crazy by making sure the last thing I say to them is I love you.

But that is not what I am writing about. One of the few things I really like about my cell phone is my contact list. All those numbers I used to keep stored in my head are now safely stored on my cell phone. 

The thing is that every once in a while I see my nephew's number or my sister's number. I know I should delete them. I cannot bring myself to do it. Is there a right time to do this? 


  1. Admittedly, Emma, I was at first puzzled by the title of this post especially after reading the intro about the passing of your nephew a few years ago, such a young age all things considered. How sad to have had to share with his mother, your sister. There is comfort is in knowing that they are together. You are so right in being sure to tell people you ♥️ them even if they may tire of hearing it, never regret telling them.

    As for your question about when is the "right" time to delete your nephew and sister's numbers from your cell phone, my answer is you will know. At the new year, I went through numbers on mine and deleted several for various reasons. There is no right/wrong time for anything, but whatever makes you feel more comfortable.

    Thank you for your recent comment on my blog post. I know we all have opinions and some can be more vocal about their own. I will take your advice to be kind to myself. The support of fellow bloggers means a great deal to me.

    1. I am happy that you are going to be kind to yourself. It is obvious that you are kind to those you care about. Maybe they will return the favor and be kind to you.

  2. this is sad but touching dear Emma !
    i remember when you had shared about how you could not tell your sister about the departure of her son. he must have been sick with serious disease i think .may both rest in peace .
    when my mom died i felt hard to delete her number until i found out that her sim was removed and phone was given to my brother .
    such departures take time to be registered by heart and mind and we are often in denial of the situation .
    i hope you will be able to delete her number if it can help you to feel less sad my friend .
    hugs and blessings

    1. I think I feel that they are still available to talk to if I have their numbers. It will take me some time I guess.

  3. I understand. I think the right time is when you have no emotional reaction to doing so. Otherwise, what does it hurt to keep them there?
