Thursday, August 10, 2023

Are You Happy?

 So many people have had unhappy lives. I read about them on various posts. I see them on the news. I hear them from folks I know. 

I have been mostly happy all my life. There have been unhappy moments... deaths, illnesses, and so on. But my life has been good otherwise. 

So I was pondering happiness recently. What makes a person happy? What makes you happy?

I think I was born happy. I was my parent's first child and the first (of many) babies in close proximity to other various family members. I received lots of attention and love. My parents also gave me the gift of six babies they called brothers and sisters. Boy did they love me.

My father worked hard. There was never a lot of money. That is the reason I have little use for money. Too many other things are more important.

So I have narrowed happiness to two categories. Things I need and things I want.

I need a roof over my head. I personally NEED an indoor toilet. I need healthy food and water. I need and want my children. I need clean air to breathe. I need my medication (darn it). I suppose I need clothing and (ugh) shoes. I cannot think of anything else.

I want my favorite baseball team to win more than they lose. I want my dishwasher so I do not have to do dishes. I want to be able to walk again without my walker. There are little things that I want from time to time but the pleasure from them is temporary.

I am realistic enough to know that the whole world will never be at peace. I wish for it even so.

Think about it. What makes you happy?


  1. I think of myself as a happy and upbeat person. There are so many things that make me happy. Red food of almost any kind is high up on the list.

    1. I get the feeling that red is your color. I am thinking of the red dress you got for a wedding.

  2. Έχω υπάρξει πολύ χαρούμενος αλλα και πολύ δυστυχισμενος
    Απο 16 χρονών έφυγα απο το σπίτι το πατρικό μου για κάποιους λόγους.. και ζούσα μόνος η σχεδόν μόνος, μέχρι τα 35 είχα ζήσει μια πολύ γεμάτη ζωή
    Έκανα πολλούς και καλούς φίλους. Σε δύσκολες στιγμές μεγάλης απόγνωσης πάντα κάτι συνέβαινε και Άνθρωποι με βοηθούσαν.
    Απο τα 35 και μετά και για αρκετά χρόνια είχα μεγάλο πρόβλημα...
    Αλλα τέλος Καλό... Όλα Καλά
    Τώρα ζω μια πολύ ήσυχη ζωή

    1. I am happy to know that your life is better now. I hope it stays that way.
