Tuesday, February 26, 2019


My son found Joe wandering around his place of work. Joe was a little-ish black dog. He was so happy to have a home.

We had trouble keeping him at home. He had been on his own for a long time it seemed. But he always came back.

Joe liked to run. I was driving home from work one day and saw him trotting along a major street. He was not easy to catch but he finally got in the car. Home we went.

Joe protected the house and our family. He was very loyal.

There was a fire. The other half of our duplex was empty. Some neighborhood boys set it on fire. They set two more fires at the same time each about half a mile away.

I was at a friend's house. My children called and I went that way immediately.

They were in the house when it began to burn. The front door was hot so they went to the back door to get out.

There was a lot of noise. Apparently Joe was frightened so he ran for safety. That was upstairs in my son's room.

The kids were outside when they realized that Joe was not with them. My oldest son felt that he could safely go back in to get the dog. He also knew that the younger children would follow him. He decided not to go in.

A day after the fire was out the two older boys and their father went to see what could be salvaged. Nothing much.

They found Joe. A board had fallen and hit him on the head. He probably died instantly. They buried him properly.

Joe had a good life for a little while.


  1. How sad for everyone and everything involved.

  2. What a heartbreaking story. I read one about a cat who got trapped between the floors in a two story building, and starved together despite people searching for him and calling his name. At least Joe's suffering was over quickly.

    I've only had one dog who would take off on her own. She was an Irish Setter, and I often learned that Irish Setters are notorious for that. I'm very glad for my many dogs that stayed with me because I used to walk and bike all over the place with one or two dogs off-leash at my side. Now, I'm very happy to have indoor-only cats because I know they're safe, that is unless I was out shopping and the house burned down.

    1. The problem with adopting a stray dog who has been on its own for a long time is that they cannot stand being inside for long. The last few dogs we have had we put on a chain contraption that allows them to run in the yard but they have to stay here.

  3. What a terrible happening and so sad. Diane

  4. Your family certainly did not have much luck with dogs. They all seemed to come to a bad end.

  5. What happened to Joe was certainly unfortunate, but just as sad is that the fire was deliberately serpt. I hope the arsonists were apprehended.

    1. I don't know if they were. The fires (there were three) made the news because they had to shut down a portion of the freeway due to smoke.

  6. This story makes me sad.
    I have some heartbreaking stories about pets too.

  7. how cruel to set fire deliberately dear Emma!

    i felt so sad for this little poor soul who been victim of evil boys crime

    how bad that he was hurt to death

    i am sorry !
