Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Is It Over?

Many people feel that Labor Day connotes the end of summer. I suppose in ways they are right.

After Labor Day the children are back in school. Their days of camping, swimming, and playing outside all day are now on hold until next summer.

Family vacations have been taken and hopefully enjoyed. Cook-outs and block parties will resume next summer.

We begin to think about pulling out warmer clothing to get ready for cooler weather. No need for them just yet but we do not want to wait until the last minute.

There will be football games at the high school. That is a sure sign of autumn.

As I look back at my summer it seemed short. Two old sayings apply. Time flies when you are having fun and The older you are, the faster time goes by.

I live where Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota come together. We had strange weather this summer. Some days were so hot that even with the air conditioner we felt the heaviness of it. Other days were abnormally cool.

This time of year is usually unbearably hot. We have had moderate temperatures with a few downright cool days and cold nights.

This whole summer brought a lot of rain. We escaped a lot of the horrors that were inflivted on a lot of the country.

We had minor flooding from the beginning of spring. Eventually there was major flooding but it has been worse. The river is still high so the threat is still there but I think we will be okay for the rest of the year.

Because of the rain gardens and crops have flourished. As have weeds and the little pests that live and hide in them. Some farmers lost fields of corn and soybeans and hay from floods. Some fields have standing water in them today.

Every once in a while I could see smoke in the distance. Comparatively small wildfires ignite from time to time but nothing uncontrollable.

It will be interesting to see what winter brings. Of course I want to enjoy the fall. It is my favorite season. There is no sign of it yet and I can wait.


  1. Our summer, here in the east, was very disappointing. High temps with constant rain and lots of flooding were bad for people and gardens alike. However, I am always sad when the season ends and the days become shorter.

    1. I like the changes of the seasons. Each one has its own charms. However I really like fall.

  2. This summer we were lucky to escape the fires and floods.

    1. Yes you were lucky. It seemed as if all places had something.

  3. Days are shorter already. Laura leaves for school in the late dusk now. Doesn't seem fair!

    1. We have had such cloudy days that I have not yet noticed that the days are shorter.

  4. It’s been hotter than Hades here with not much rain.
    I’m hoping the tropical storm brings some wet relief but we’ll see. The Almanac says the winter will be cold and wet. That sounds ok to me.’r

    1. According to the almanac we are supposed to have a lot of wet snow. I like snow but as I get older I worry about falling and breaking something. Like me.

  5. Our summer was unusually hot, Emma - and crops suffered.
    I feel autumn in the air - a season I like too. The evening starts earlier, the birds do not sing so much, and it seems, that the swallows have left.

    1. The weather has been harsh over most of the world this year. Maybe next year will be better.

  6. I grew up on a farm in mid-Illinois near the Mississippi. As always in farming, either there is not enough or too much rain.

    Summer here has also been hot. This week the temp. was 20 degrees cooler than it was in July. It is a desert heat, it can't make up its mind.

    I love your writing.

    1. Thank you for the compliment. As far as the weather you probably had even more rain that we did this year.I know the last few days have felt chilly because it was so hot before.

  7. Happy labor day dear Emma!

    what a lovely portrait of summer fun !

    yes fall is crawling slowly near our area too but still one and a half month almost to actual fall here particularly cool weather starts from December to February after it gets milder

    perfect definition for weather this year "abnormal"
    almost from all over the world people used the term MAD WEATHER

    glad flood is under control and wildfires are decreasing

    i love fall too and i can wait

    1. I like the term mad weather. Many times it has even seemed angry.

  8. During our cross country adventure, we stopped in two of the three states you mentioned - Nebraska and Iowa. The Nebraska state capitol was the most unusual one we visited on the trip. Like you I too am ready for fall weather and you are so right about getting out the warm and comfy clothes before one really has to do it.

    1. I grew up under the unicameral system. When I moved to another state it took a while to get used to bicameral.
