Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Water Water Everywhere

I am sure many of you have read about the flooding in Iowa. I live about a mile from the Big Sioux River. It is one of the many that are flooding. Actually much of this part Iowa is under water right now. 

Where I live there has been flooding like this before. I live a little higher than flood waters go. I do not worry too much about having to evacuate.

I did notice yesterday that across the highway from us was flooded a bit. Every other place looked dry enough.

My son and I had a quick errand to run yesterday. We needed to cross the bridge over the Big Sioux to go into South Dakota.

As we were crossing the bridge we saw a lot of people taking pictures of the river. It was high but not too high yet. 

We had noticed a lot of water sitting in fields on the Iowa side. That sometimes happens when there has been a lot of rain.

We went on into South Dakota. We took care of our errand and started home. It took about 20 minutes. 

We returned home the same way we had gone. As we were about 1/2 a mile from the bridge water began to trickle across the road.

I looked up and saw that the fields were suddenly full of water. It did not even take a second to happen.

 Now experts tell us not to drive through water on the road. But it was only a trickle and we knew the highway was in good shape. We had just been there. Besides there was not a place to turn around to go back.

In the blink of an eye the highway was covered. Not only was the water rapidly getting deeper but it was filled with pieces of the rows of crops. The crop rows were getting bigger.

We had to keep moving. If we stopped we would be washed away. It felt like we were driving on oversized speed bumps of crops. 

We could no longer see because of the water and debris splashing up as we moved. 

Just as quickly we reached the bridge. It sits higher so there was no water and no debris. What a relief.

We could see that the highway into Iowa was clear. No water at all.

The fields are much lower than the highway there. They were full of water.

We felt safe enough to drive home. We did so with no further incident. They were just blocking the road to the bridge as we turned the corner to go home.

Our vehicle is a Jeep SUV. It was covered from top to bottom with flooding debris. We feel lucky to be here.


  1. thecontemplativecat here. In 1993 there was a massive flood from May through August. My folks lived across the Mississippi in Illinois and their fields were flooded in May during planting season. After the flood waters dispersed, we drove around farming towns, Hull was completely destroyed, with strips of grass hanging from the electric lines. I had come home in August to visit; when we were driving down state road 79, the flood water was licking the road. When I was flying away, they had to drive through back roads in Illinois to get home. Memories are strong.

    1. I had seen massive flooding before bur I was never a part of it. Scary.

  2. You were indeed lucky. Let's hope anyone else driving will be as lucky. "Turn around, don't drown" really is something to remember. The water can rise so quickly! Take care.

    1. If there had been a way to turn around we would have. I now know what they mean by flash floods. A man from Illinois was caught in a similar situation. He was not as fortunate as we were. They recovered his body Monday.

  3. Wow. Glad you are safe. No lecture here.

    1. Thank you. We would never have been there if there was any sign of flooding on the road.

  4. I am glad you managed to get through, dear Emma! The quickly rising water around a car must be horrible - I hope you bought enough groceries for a week so you can wait till the flood goes back.

  5. We are well stocked with food. It is good because everything around us is under water. They are also limiting the days we do dishes and laundry. What a mess.

  6. That certainly must have been a much scarier experience when you were in the moment, Emma, glad that you both made it safely home.

    1. Thank you. My son was driving. He did a good job but I could see that he was worried. We both sort of collapsed when we were safe at home.

  7. Oh dear Emma that sounded quite scary to me specially when you mentioned crossing through water I think that was really brave of you both to not loose mind in such situation !
    I am grateful that you reached home safe and sound by the grace of God!
    Difference of water among two sides of bridges is definitely due to height of them
