Saturday, April 27, 2024

You Lose

I must first tell you I am not a gambler. I am pretty good at a game when it involves skill. If left to chance I want no part of it. I am not a lucky person.

I do like playing games. I have been playing all my life. Some require other players. Some are for one player only.

Knowing me as I do I can see a problem with slot machines. I would just know if I left the machine the next person would win my money. So I would never play the slots. 

I am strongly opposed to gambling casinos. I suppose if a person has enough extra money to consider it lost before he began to play he might enjoy gambling.

The problem I see is that too often the casinos are placed in areas where poor people live. I can picture a poor mother with $20 left and several days left before her next check. How will she feed her children? There is a good chance she will go to the casino hoping to turn her $29 into more so her kids can eat. She will lose the $20. It is a bad situation.

I am against gambling.


  1. i am against not the game if the money is not involved dear Emma ,people can enjoy it like a game but money makes it a serious threat to those who try to play it for the sake of doubling money and end it loosing whatever they have
    i have seen how it ruin people's life

    1. I totally agree. We sometimes play for toothpicks instead of money. The lure of winning money is too strong for some. Often it is for desperation. Poor people can't afford to lose their money and they are the most desperate. Most of the casinos are located in poor areas. It is not a coincidence.

  2. I so agree with you, it is so sad to see truly poor people gamble money away. Las Vegas- you can bet that I have never been there or have any reason to want to go! (Unless it is cheaper to fly there and get to the Grand Canyon, that would be the only reason!)

    1. I hear that they also have some marvelous shows in the lounges of Las Vegas. They would be nice to see too.

  3. It's a fact here too. Totally agree with you.. Great social issue, thank you so much for bringing it up. The possibility of a better life. Have a nice day.

  4. It was too hard to earn money during my working years to take a chance with gambling. Now, 10 years into retirement, I still can't even imagine gambling.
