Saturday, March 8, 2025

Alley Oop

My second grandson developed a fascination for dinosaurs. I do not know when it began. He absorbed everything he could find about dinosaurs.

His mother bought him every dinosaur she saw that was available. He then learned all he could about that particular one.

It seems as if he must have spent a lot of time in the library. Not so. He was three years old.

He was in pre-school and talked about dinosaurs incessantly. And he knew what he was talking about.

His pre-school teacher asked him if he would like to give a talk about dinosaurs. Of course he would.

My daughter packed his collection of dinosaurs and off they went to school. 

My grandson stood in front of his class. He would hold up one of the dinosaurs and explain all about it...  its size, how large its brain was, what it ate... everything. Then he moved on to the next one.

The other children loved the class that day. They were really happy when my grandson gave them each a small dinosaur of their own.

He was a hit! One of the other teachers asked him if he would speak to her class. Of course. 

He did a repeat performance. Once more he was a hit.

The following year they scheduled a day for him to teach. It was a popular class. 

The next year he was going to regular school. The teachers there heard about his knowledge of dinosaurs and a couple of them asked if he would speak to classes there. Of course.

He did that for a few more years until he decided it was no longer fun. I think my daughter was glad. She had spent a small fortune buying the little dinosaurs he gave away.

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