Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Taking Care Of Mom

 My children take good care of me. And do not think for one second that I am ungrateful. However there are times that they go a bit too far. 

Now I tried really hard take care of their wants and needs when they were little. I like to think I did a good job. I not only love my children but I like them too.

One year my youngest son and his wife decided they wanted to host our Christmas celebration at their house. When I asked what they wanted me to bring they told me, "You always do everything, This time you will do nothing." So we all had a wonderful time and all I had to do was enjoy it.

My daughter was all of 18 years old. She was the manager of a pizza store. She was required to work long hours and often quite late. It was not a bad neighborhood but it was not really a good neighborhood. She was careful as I knew she would be. She never had any problems thank goodness.

One day I mentioned to her that I had a doctor's appointment coming soon. She immediately began to scold me! "Mother you know I have to work that day. I won't be able to take you." I told her that I had been going to the doctor by myself for many years. Then she said in her most imperious voice, " But that is different. I can take care of myself." Kids...

As you know I had a stroke a couple of years ago. I am so fortunate that it was not more serious than it was. My problem was that my taste buds and salivary glands were affected.  Because of that I could not eat. 

When I told the doctors they would tell me things like just eat what you can. Which was nothing. I tried in the beginning. Eventually I gave up. I was eating nothing. My son was thinking of putting me in a home hoping they could get me to eat.

Then one day he had an idea. He bought child sized foods like applesauce, yogurt, and smoothies. Every few hours he would bring me one to choke down. If you notice all of them are wet foods.

I began to feel better. Eventually I would try a piece of toast. Then some scrambled eggs. I now can eat whatever I want.

That was when I realized that I had been dying of starvation. It really was not so bad. I did not desire food at all and I just kept getting weaker and weaker. My son saved my life.

So you can see my children take care of me.



  1. And out here in Blogland we are so glad they did and they do!

    1. Why thank you. And I appreciate them. At times I feel a bit smothered.All of the time I am glad they care.

  2. Wow! They really did save your life.

  3. I consider you lucky. When my father was old, I couldn't help him because I lived 2,500 miles away, and my sister (he only had two children) wouldn't help him although she lived in a trailer in his backyard. So, I moved him from Mississippi to Oregon where Peggy and I took him into our home. He was happy here, and we were happy to have him him, but I sometimes reflect upon the thought that, without us, he might have met the fate you would have been faced with without the help of your son. Peggy and I have no children, so the older we become, the greater becomes our concern about the future.

    1. I consider me lucky too. Too many older folks are just ignored or forgotten.

    2. Isn't it sad to find ourselves less valued simply because our faces are no longer look young. I would never have a face-lift even if I could afford it, but I can understand why someone would.

    3. I am bragging here. I was pretty when I was younger. I got older. Things began to sag. My skin is not as supple and smooth as it used to be. I have aged. I am so glad I have had this opportunity.

  4. Emma, you certainly have raised caring and considerate children and it is also nice that you like them as well. I too am thankful that your son saved your life with his great idea.

    1. It is amazing that a doctor...any doctor... did not have my son's solution to the problem. I was seeing so many doctors at that time and none had any answers although I told them all. One doctor actually yelled at me telling me that I could eat if I wanted to.

  5. This is what we never think of when we are raising our children, that one day the roles will be reversed. We have now arrived at our eighties, and, yes, there are days when we really do feel old ('tho we are fighting it!) Our daughters clearly think of us as ancient which is sometimes a tad irritating, but overall we are pleased that we have raised such caring adults.

    1. They are a blessing aren't they? I wish they knew how much I love and appreciate them.

  6. I am very happy to read that your son saved you, Emma! And he had a very good idea how to do that, and success. Good that now you can eat everything.

    1. I have told the doctors what he did so they might remember and suggest it to someone else who is in that situation. I hope.

  7. what a beautiful story dear Emma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i am sorry i am late but i managed eventually
    you always sounded like a very loving and caring mom and such mom brought up their children with so much love and closeness .it is natural most of the time for children to feel strong bonding with their mom :)
    i see how your daughter and than specially your incredible son looked after you particularly in the time when you needed their such exceptional attention and care most :)
    made my eyes teary (gratitude )
    may God make their children to love them back with such strength as well

    1. I am so fortunate to have the children I have. I got lucky.
