Tuesday, April 18, 2023

It Is New

 We have been remodeling our house. I told you about my son rebuilding the bathroom. They did a better job than I thought possible.

We painted the bathroom white. It had been an awful green and a stark flat blue. When we were through the white was a bit stark. Then we put wallpaper on the door that looks like steps leading to the clouds. It provided the necessary color and a bit of whimsy.

Our living room now is papered with stone looking paper. I was not sure I would like it but it has a nice warm feel. We left the large dark wood molding that goes well with the stones. It is completed by adding new carpeting that adds to the warmth of the room. I love it.

Next we painted the hall. Two coats of off-white gave me the feeling of light in the otherwise dark hall. My son changed the wall light from a hurricane style to a modern flat light that actually gives more light to the hall. Then just for fun we papered two false windows on the walls for depth. There are three doors to bedrooms. They are now papered with various outdoor themes. 

My room has a garden archway leading into a magical forested area. The other two doors have wooden hanging bridges leading to two different wooded places. They are fun and for our eyes only.

Now we have begun on the kitchen. We bought new appliances last year. The first thing is to refinish the counter tops. I am shocked at how easy it is. The first counter will be finished in the morning. Then it will have to dry. It looks good already. 

They will be white. Then the cupboards will be a medium gray. The floors will be a slate color.

My son wants a rock look for his room. He likes feeling like he is in a cave. I have not decided yet what to do with my room. I find an idea and then change it the next day. Mom always said I was a flibberty-gibbet.


  1. Replies
    1. It is a huge undertaking. We like what has been done so far.

  2. Remodeling is always a lot of work as you well know, Emma, but from this post it sounds like you and your son have been making progress and also enjoying the results of you labors.

    1. We feel good about ourselves and our home. I will be glad when it is over.

  3. What a blessing it is to be able to do some remodeling! Sounds like you've made quite a bit of progress.

    1. Right now my son is assembling a huge new cupboard for the kitchen. It will give us a lot more storage space.

  4. Dear Emma, what a lot of work!
    And wonderful to have so much help from your family!
    I love when rooms are redecorated - I wait for the moment that my three-years-lease in Bavaria will be prolonged, then I will really (!) start.

    1. My son is doing most of the work because there are still things I cannot do. We did have a lot of fun getting paint on our clothes though.
