Monday, September 16, 2024

Where is Juan Valdez?

 I do not like coffee. It smells so good but all I can taste is better and oily. 

Coffee drinkers abound in my family. I remember my father's mother always drinking coffee, She poured the coffee from her stove-top percolator into her cup. Then she added a dollop of milk from her can of evaporated milk. Then a generous teaspoonful of sugar from her sugar bowl. After a vigorous stirring she enjoyed it with a cigarette. 

Mom would have a cup of coffee in the morning with Daddy. She would have another in the evening with him. That is all the coffee she drank.

When they were younger they also put milk and sugar in their coffee. Eventually both of them drank it black.

Among the seven of us siblings some were coffee drinkers and some are not. The same goes for our children.

I left Daddy for last. He loved his coffee. He drank it in the morning before he went to work. He drank it all day at work. Then he drank a lot if coffee at home.

Mom got tired of making several pots of coffee every night. One day she got the idea of buying a large 32 cup coffee pot. She made 32 cups of coffee every morning.

I already told you that Mom drank 2 cups of coffee each day. Daddy drank the rest. 30 cups of coffee a day! And that was only at home. I have no idea how much he drank at work.

I have no idea how a person can consume that much liquid a day.


  1. That last line is easy. They pee a lot. I used to drink gallons of coffee, too, and now have two cups a day. Attrition.

    1. I am glad you cur back. I believe that all that caffeine contributed to my father's early death.

  2. That is a lot of caffeine!
