Monday, September 2, 2024

Let's Take A Ride

My brother-in-law was used to having everything he said and did agreed to by his family. It could be aggravating at times for me. I tried to keep my mouth shut but there were times I just could not.

One day we were visiting his house. My sister-in-law and I were having a pleasant conversation. Then my brother-in-law looked up from the world map he had been studying.

He announced that he was trying to find the best way to drive to Australia. He was thinking of going there for vacation.

I told him there was no way.

He then proceeded to show me how he would drive from Michigan to Alaska. Okay. That can be done. Then see all those little islands? He was certain there were bridges he could drive across. 

I assured him there were not. After a prolonged discussion I allowed that there might be ferries in some cases but certainly not all.

He continued his imaginary drive along the coast of Asia. I asked him how he would handle the problem of passports and visas while passing through so many countries. He said it would be no different than driving to Canada. At that time US citizens did not need a passport to spend a day in Canada.

When he came to the end of Asia I pointed out that would be the end of his driving. No he would continue to drive into Australia.

I showed him the expanse of water on the map that would prevent him from driving any further. There was a bridge! He was adamant. That was when the argument started.

He insisted that he could drive all the way to Australia. I insisted he could not.

After a couple of hours my sister-in-law spoke up which was unusual for her. She told her husband that he knew I would not argue about it unless I knew I was right!

I do not know if he still believes he can drive to Australia. I will not ask in order to prevent another argument. I do know he has not tried. 


  1. Silly man. My mother would have called him pig-headed.

  2. That sounds strange yet amusing dear Emma :)
    I didn't know that people can make such imaginary drive
    I think they just do it in their head
    Hugs and best wishes

    1. It is funny now so many years later. At the time it was infuriating.
