Friday, September 6, 2024

Go To Work

My final job before I retired was as a laser operator. I worked in a factory that makes industrial shocks. 

We made shocks for carnival-type rides in amusement parks. We even made the shocks for Batman's cape in movies. They were used to make his cape stiff when he used it.

Our shocks raged from less than an inch long to about ten feet. All shocks less than three feet were lasered to print the company name, the size of the shock, and the type of shock. That was my job.

I worked in a room all by myself. People asked how I could work in there all alone all day. I loved it. Not even my boss could enter unless I allowed it. 

I tried to stay at least one run ahead of each of the departments I serviced. That way everyone had work to do.

Occasionally my machine would need servicing or even break down. Usually it only took a few hours to take care of the problem. One time it would be days before they could get the part needed to fix it.

We had a large order that was time sensitive. The manager of the company made arrangements for the use of another company to allow the use of their laser.

They wanted to send one of our engineers to do the job but he was busy. It had to be done on Saturday so as not to interrupt their business. And they needed someone with a pickup large enough to carry the shocks. I could fill all those requirements so I volunteered.

I drove to another suburb and the other company. The two men who worked there were so welcoming. They gave me a complete tour of their building.

There were approximately thirty work areas. Each had their own machines. Each had a refrigerator. It was kept full of bottled water for the workers of that area. They each had a coffee pot. Each had coffee, creamer, sweeteners, tea, and hot chocolate. They also had a microwave to heat lunches and snacks. 

There was a large patio where they could eat on nice days. They looked out at a small nature preserve the company owned. There were also two large cafeterias when staying inside. Both were equipped with several microwaves and two refrigerators.

There was a nicely kept locker room. Uniforms were supplied by the company. A service took worn ones out of the locker to launder them then returned them to the proper locker. Each locker had a safe for storing valuables and personal items.

A workout room with all the latest workout equipment was large. There were also showers for after exercise or if you just want to be clean at home.

The thing that amazed me the most was the floors. Everywhere I went everything including the shop floors was spotless... no grease and no dirt of any kind. And they used heavy machinery on it.

Then I was told that the company almost went out of business a few decades ago. The employees bought the company. Anyone who works there owns part of the company and are bought out when they leave. 

They have practically no turnover in their workforce. I can see why. 

All this and I was earning overtime!


  1. My company built a new plant like that once. Now the building has been sold and I have no idea what is manufactured there.
