Monday, September 23, 2024

Agree To Disagree

 There is not a person in the whole world whom I agree with completely. I do not hate them for having other opinions. They are entitled to their own thoughts. As long as they are not hurting someone they can believe as they wish.

As much as I loved my parents I did not always agree with them. I love all my children and grandchildren. I do not always agree with them. I still love them.

This is an election year in the United States. We will choose who will be our president for the next four years.

Not everyone in my family agrees with my choice. I do not agree with all. Part of us will vote one way and part the other. We still love each other.

I love a good political discussion. I might learn something or I might impart some facts to someone else. However I will not argue about it. If feelings become heated I stop the conversation. 

I do encourage US citizens to vote. We are hiring employees to run our government. These are important jobs.

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