Monday, May 13, 2024

Hope Chest

Like many teenage girls of that time I had a hope chest. A hope chest was a storage of items intended to take into a marriage. The best ones were wooden trunks. Mine was a cardboard box.

To be honest I did not think about a husband. I knew I wanted children and I would need a husband to accomplish that. Old-fashioned thinking I know but I am glad I did it that way. And I did love my husband.

I worked at odd jobs and babysitting so I had a bit of money. I mostly had practical things like cake pans, a non-stick skillet, and other items for my kitchen-to-be.

My one extravagance was a beautiful hurricane lamp. It was white with flowers tracing up the sides of the chimney. How I loved it.

I would go through my hope chest every so often to admire my possessions. And I spent a lot of time admiring my lamp. I wonder what ever happened to that lamp.


  1. My chest was filled with linens. I barely used them. I wonder what became of them.

    1. I had some linens given to me after my grandmother died. She was notorious for "saving" things. The lovely bedclothes that she had embroidered with pretty flowers fell apart the first time I tried to use them.

  2. Ellie always says her hope chest turned into her hopeless chest and finally into a God-knows-when chest before I came along. Her mother had made embroidered pillow cases with crochet edging, also tablecloths and napkins and dresser scarves. We both treasure the things from her mother but I don’t think our children are interested in having them.

    1. They are heirlooms! They should be passed along until they are no longer whole.

  3. Original post, it made me think and remember.
    I imagine your beautiful lamp will be somewhere.
    Some things have different value at different times!
    Thanks for the post!!

    1. A hope chest was just one of many ways people showed a look toward the future. Plus they contained useful items for the homes of young women of the time.

  4. thecontemplativecat here. I didn't have a hope chest. We were not well off enough to afford such a whimsical purchase.

    1. That is why I had a cardboard box. All the things inside I paid for with money I earned from jobs away from home.

  5. what a lovely name for the box given to a girl as wedding gift dear Emma :)
    i loved the story and i could relate because mom had huge box and she would too take her stuff out once in a while to show them some sunlight ,i remember such days would fill us with joy and wonder because things were so amazing including sets of toys and much more :)

    1. It truly is a box of treasures. Your mother had valuable memories in hers. I hope she told the stories of each item.

  6. I truly had not thought about the lamp until I wrote this post.
