Cowboy movies and television shows were extremely popular when I was a child. They were on television when we got home from school. In the evening others were on for the whole family.
Cowboy movies at the theater drew crowds of families. A good movie and a bag of popcorn (for a nickel) was a real treat.
I am a person whose grandfather was a real cowboy in his younger days. Not a shoot-'em-up cowboy like the ones we saw on TV. He practically lived out on the range taking care of cattle.
I also lived near a lot of what we called Indians. Even though they were close there was still a mystery we felt about them. They did not look or act like us and many spoke a different language.
It stands to reason that children often played Cowboys and Indians. The cowboys had cap guns and a sturdy stick to use for a horse and of course a cowboy hat. Indians had bows and arrows, a horse, and a feathered headdress.
One day my two brothers and I were outside playing. When one of my brothers and I went into the house and quietly sat down Mom suspected that something was wrong. We were working too hard at looking innocent.
When my other brother did not come in she went to check on him.
She found my brother hanging by his neck from the apple tree. He was turning purple.
We had captured him and just like in the movies he had to hang. Then we could not get him down. Not knowing what to do we simply went in the house.
If Mom had not gone out to see where my brother was he would have died.
Oh my this was really scary dear Emma!
ReplyDeleteI am very glad your mom followed her intuition and checked on your brother.
I could save my youngest son many times by listening to my heart at right moment by the grace of God!
My father and hubby both loved cowboy movies
I often wonder how children of my age lived to be adults. It can only be because our parents paid attention.