Sunday, September 8, 2024


I did not plan well for my advancing age. I do have a small pension and I receive Social Security payments. I live with my son so my life is much easier than it probably should be.

I worked and paid into both. There are those who believe these are "entitlements" and feel that I am "taking money from the government".  I began working and having deductions taken from my paycheck when I was 11 years old. I worked for 51 years. Yes these are entitlements because I am entitled to be repaid for the money I allowed the government to use for 51 years. But I digress.

One day I was lamenting the fact that I had not made better choices in my life. I really had nothing to show for all the work I had done. I was not a success.

I must confess that money means very little to me. You cannot wear it, eat it, live in it... you get the idea. I do understand that money helps to get those things. It is just that I do not need fancy. All my needs are basic.

I was a pretty child. I was intelligent. Most of all I was loved. I would say it is a good combination.

As a child I dreamed the fanciful dreams many children dream. I was going to be part of a singing group like the Lennon Sisters. Or a movie star like Hayley Mills. Or write a great detective story.

I also knew those dreams were not realistic. I could not sing. I enjoyed acting at school but that sort of thing is as much luck as anything else. I can write bit I have found that I am not a disciplined writer. 

My son asked me what I had always wanted to be. 

My answer was immediate. I had always wanted to be a mother. 

I never dreamt of a husband but I knew I would need one in order to have children.

 Eventually I married. I had four beautiful babies. 

I have loved being a mother. My children are so much alike and yet so different. 

And now they are all grown. I am so proud of each of them.

My son simply said, "Then you are a success."


  1. You are so blessed to have had so many children! I only had one but I am very thankful. Once in my twenties, a group of coworkers were having their palms read during our lunchtime. (Not sure who it was or where!) Anyway, I didn't go because I was afraid, I would be told that I would never have children! My childhood wasn't that great but I truly enjoyed my son's! I hope he did too. Success is sweetest when recounted by someone close to you. Does that make sense? x
