Sunday, August 4, 2024

Put On A Happy Face

Twenty years ago I found out the I had colon cancer. The first doctor had been somewhat reluctant to tell me. He finally just blurted it out.

I was sent to see a surgeon who specialized in that type of cancer. He was more matter of fact and explained possibilities.

For some reason I was not concerned. I knew I was going to be fine. My children and grandchildren were more concerned than I was.

When I called my brothers and sisters to tell them I told them to make sure they were checked for colon cancer. It seems to run in families. So far everyone is good.

The point I am making is that I knew I would be okay. I was able to have a positive attitude.

I had the surgery. They removed all the cancer. I did not need to have chemotherapy or radiation. A positive happy outlook works.

I have read that is the attitude that helps a person recover from illness faster.

To be fair I am basically a happy person. Often I am too naive to worry about anything. It is my nature

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of years ago I dreaded telling my daughter. She was going through her own horrors with the same disease. She had a much worse type of cancer than I did and suffered so much for too long. She is still suffering.

Again I knew I would be fine. I was. No chemo or radiation.

So try to keep a good attitude if you do not feel well. You will feel better faster.


  1. Replies
    1. I am one of those disgusting people who is always happy. I think I was born that way.
