Friday, August 16, 2024

I Did It

 I killed my computer. 

It was not premeditated. So I suppose it was a lesser charge of compu-slaughter.

I have never been a graceful person. I trip over my own feet. I fall for no reason at all. I knock things over. It is not only embarrassing but I have to pick up whatever fell or was knocked over.

I was working on the computer one evening last week. I saw something fall from a small table I have by my desk.

When I reached down to pick it up everything was fine. As I sat back up my shoulder caught under the corner of my desk. The desk tilted and my computer fell off.

It landed on its head and has not worked since. My son checked it out and the screen was rapidly scrolling up. It just never got better.

So my new computer arrived today. My son hooked it up and made sure everything was fine. 

I was worried about losing all my family pictures but they are here I cannot find my music but my son seems to think he can find it... later.

I write my blogs several ate a time so there would be no interruption there. I did miss reading the blogs that I read all the time.

Now I am back and you did not even know I was gone.


  1. thecontemplativecat here. I have done battle with my computer over time. But to crash it physically? I am glad your son is able to help you. Our son in law does that on a regular basis for me. Do you store your writing in the cloud? Your son will figure it out.

    1. I store nothing on the cloud. I have an external hard drive that keeps my information and my son's computer also has access to everything in my computer.

  2. Yikes! I'm glad you were able to save your photos.

    1. Everything is returning to normal. What a mess.

  3. Oh wow you got your new computer pretty fast :)
    Things happen and we get stuck in awful situations
    I am happy e everything is back to normal now 😊
    I notice when one of my blog friend is not around specially regular ones ♥️

    1. Thank goodness my son still had his computer so I could order a new one right away. You are too sweet.
