Friday, August 23, 2024


My birthday is soon. I will be 77 years old. Some days I feel like my age. Most days I just feel like me and not any age.

I was thinking about the birthdays I had when I was growing up.

We did not get gifts... not enough money. But we did not know the difference so that did not matter

What we did get was the meal of our choice. I always asked for creamed peas and potatoes. That is boiled potatoes with peas in a cream sauce and lots of black pepper. Served with scrambled eggs it is one of my favorite meals.

Mom always baked whatever cake we wanted. I always asked for a devil's food cake with fudge frosting. Mom's fudge frosting was creamy with a thin crust on it. I never can make it right.

Added treat was ice cream. Mom always served Neapolitan ice cream. She said it was because that way everybody got the kind they wanted. I happen to know it was because it was her favorite.

With a large family you would think we celebrated birthdays all year. Not so. All of our birthdays including our parents were within 3 months. Most of those are in a one and a half week period.

My birthdays were wonderful. I hope you have good birthday memories.


  1. That's how my family celebrated birthdays when I was young, too. I chose stuffed cabbage with mashed potatoes on the side. I would get my favorite cake, too - vanilla cake with buttercream frosting

  2. Advance Happy Birthday to you dear Emma ♥️

    I too hardly can make food as good as mom cooked :)
    Money is hardly needed for a happy birthday celebration 😊
    It is more important how much one is made feel loved and adored i believe
    You were lucky to have what you wished for on your birthday :)

    1. I was lucky. Birthdays were a family event and always joyous.
