Tuesday, June 11, 2024

To Go Or Not To Go.

My husband's aunt was a nice woman with a lot of love to give. She had been married to a man who died the same year I was married. I will call her Aunt Beenie.

Aunt Beenie had worked very hard all her life. She kept her husband comfortable for his life. He did purchase and rent two buildings. They had four apartments each. He rented them so he did have an income. They had no children.

Aunt Beenie continued to work until they made her retire. Then she managed the apartments.

Eventually she met a man. They enjoyed each other's company. 

He decided to take a few days and drive to see the sights in Colorado. Of course he invited Aunt Beenie to go along. 

She would need to pay for her own expenses. He did not have a lot of money.

Now Aunt Beenie was not rich. She did have enough to take care of herself though.

She agonized over whether or not to go. She really wanted to.

When she talked to me about it I told her that saving the money was senseless in order to not do what she really wanted to do. She would not have to scrimp and save in order to do it.

In the end she talked herself out of going. He went without her. He had a good time.

About two weeks after he returned home he suffered a heart attack and died. She could have had that nice trip with him.

My opinion is that a person should not forgo pleasures to save money that does not need to be saved. 


  1. oh the end was shocking indeed
    i liked this story of your hard working aunt dear Emma
    i agree that if she had great likening for the man and wanted to be with her at any cost money must not have been the issue specially if she had some .
    unfortunately i am so dumb in such matters .i never saved a single penny throughout my life . i would spent whole ten rupees note at school break when girls of my status would spend less than half of it even they were from better background. i would eat different things as i was fond of eating .
    after marriage my eating habits changed greatly and i hardly enjoy timely meals or some fruits .whatever money is left in my hands go to .others who are needy and visit us on daily or monthly bases .i also like to give some to my little nieces and nephews .no money for myself .hubby don's not like it

    1. I understand that. If I had a little extra my husband would tell me to buy something for myself. I would return with clothes and toys for my kids. Of course he was not pleased.

  2. Your advice is so right, Emma. Far too often people save and deny themselves some pleasure whether it be taking a trip or buying something they really would like. Often, the excuse is that they are saving it for a rainy day or some other reason. Then, the unforeseen can happen, whether death or injury, and the person will not have enjoyed something special. The story of your aunt was one of these sad incidents.

    1. Thank you for understanding my thoughts. You and your husband appear to be practicing what I preach.
