Monday, May 20, 2024


 The woman across the street died.

She was older and a bit frail but she seemed to be doing fine.

Then we saw a lot of cars gathering there. That was not unusual. Her loving family gathered around her for special occasions. She was loved by her family.

The cars kept gathering for days. I thought perhaps things were not good.

Then one afternoon I heard some commotion. I knew she had died. 

The cars were no longer there in large numbers. Every once in a while someone comes. I believe they are cleaning her stuff. One of her sons lives behind her house in his own place and he comes to assist.

I like to think she lived a good life. I know she was loved by her family. That is what is important.


  1. may she rest in peace !
    i think she got good end without much pain and suffering as you said she looked fine before she was gone .may God keep it easy for all when time comes .
    i loved how you think positive of her dear Emma ,this is her good luck she earned as good human being

    1. Her family really loved her. They were there for all holidays and many other times of the year.

  2. I did not know her well. She was always friendly. We spoke several times and all was pleasant.

  3. I was saddened to read this post of your neighbor's passing, Emma. But, as you said, she was always visited by family and so was never neglected as so many others are these days.

    1. It was nice for me to see how often her family saw her.

  4. Dear Emma, when I came back to my apartment in Berlin, I found out that a neighbour had died: she was almost 100 years old, and the last 9 years were no fun. But a lot of neighbours in the house visited her often and also looked for good carers for the elderly, that impressed me very much.

    1. She must have been a special woman with a lot of special neighbors. My condolences to all of you.

  5. It's good that she had a close family in her final days, even though it's sad. Sometimes, family is everything, sometimes not.

    1. Her family must have been a great comfort and support for her.
