Sunday, March 31, 2024


 Do you believe in magic? Most people would say no. I believe.

When I am out for a drive to the top of a hill and see all the scenery I gasp. I can see farms, animals, and fields. Occasionally I see a stand of trees or a river. It is beautiful. It is magical. 

The tinkle of a toddler's laugh makes everyone laugh too. That is magic.

The clean sweet smell of a baby after its bath is magic.

Seeing a tree full of migrating birds stopping to rest is magic.

One day I watched thousands of little ants scurrying to some destination. I was fascinated. It was magic.

In the spring lilac bushes, jasmine, and honeysuckle magically fill the air with their lovely scents. Dandelions, crocus, and violets peep up to cover the ground with colors of magic. 

Fruit trees leafing then blooming are magic. Those blossoms becoming fruit that we can eat is magic.

Seeing a small herd of deer fills me with wonder. Seeing a flock of wild turkeys fills me with fascination. Seeing a herd of buffalo fills me with awe. I am in the presence of magic.

Snow and ice in the winter are magic. Special magic is reserved for a hoar frost. Everything looks like it has been covered in powdered sugar.

Even the occasional garden snake I find coiled in my yard is a magical creature. How do snakes move simply by wiggling?

Brussels sprouts. They taste so good. Along with other vegetables they magically nourish us.

Computers were science fiction when I was a child. Their magic is such that almost every home is now online.

Grass magically grows during the summer. It is enough that people mow their lawns every week.

Have you ever seen the wind blow so hard that trees bend over double? After the storm there stands the tree tall and proud. Magic.

I once saw a triple rainbow. My son took pictures of it. That is magic.

Mother and child. Father and child. Man and woman. Any two people who love each other are creating magic.

The fact that you are reading this is magic. I guess you believe too.


  1. I made a mistake in my earlier comment, Emma, which is why it was deleted. Yes, I do believe in the magic of simple things that many overlook. You provided a wonderful list, many of which I also marvel in seeing, aside from a wriggling snake.

    1. I wanted to make people open their eyes to the magic that is everywhere. I am sure they can come up with their own examples too.

  2. Awe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i just wanted to hug you and kiss your lovely magical hands who said everything so BEAUTIFULY and MGICALLY :))))))

    this is award wining post dear Emma and i am utterly thankful for this specially because it speaks what my heart says to me every single moment.
    billions of floating stars and planets in the vastness of space what else is the magic if it's not ???
    thank you for brightening up my day my friend :) thanks to God who made us meet each other and praise him for his blessings!

  3. I am ever in wonder that we humans can make or write sounds that people we are with--or people who are on the other side of the world--can understand, and I'm ever appreciative of the fact that my language is the language of the world. As for calling such feelings magic, I, as indicated, prefer the word wonder.
